Body Positivity
My journey towards having a positive body image
My Body Beautiful Journey to body positivity
My name is Krystal Sunnucks, I am 31 years young. I am a nurse and a massage therapist, and was a collegiate athlete back in the day. I will be married 4 years in September and have no children currently, however you could call my cats Sophie and Bood my babies. I was raised as a tom boy who liked to be pretty and wear makeup. My dad had 5 girls with no boys and always wanted me to wrestle and play football. I listened to classic rock, did motocross, hunting, fishing, and my favorite thing was to ride my horse. I competed in barrels and poles and attended the fair every year with 4-H. My upbringing was in a Christian home. Our pastor was my grandfather, and I have continued my Christian values though my adult life. In regard to “Our body” that was never something that was talked about a whole lot, except for honoring it, respecting it, and treating it as a temple. How you represent yourself, what you looked like, and how you dressed has always been something that was considered important and instilled in me.

Unfortunately, I have never had a great body image, I have never been good with accepting compliments, and never been skinny. I was also never the girl to have the boyfriends/date, but I was the best friend to many guys. I have always been super strong/athletic and quite frankly I intimidated many of the guys I did like. Growing up I found myself constantly comparing my body to others. I have often wondered what really contributed to my poor body image? Was it because I was bullied in middle school? Was it because my mom never had a good body image herself and was self-conscious? Or was it due to all the commercials, media, movies and shows feeding subconscious lies about the ideal body type and what was considered beautiful? Women do not have it easy if you stop to really think about it.

The first time I had professional pictures taken of myself besides my senior pictures, was my boudoir session before I got married with my wedding photographer, my gift to my husband. It was one of the most challenging things I have ever done. Being vulnerable, terrified, doubting/questioning myself, “am I even going to like the photos or look pretty”? Then you start to have fun, and by the end of the shoot you are the most confident you have ever been. Seeing my photos was like having an epiphany! Is that really me? Wow I love that! I look so beautiful, are you sure you didn’t edit these pictures? This is when I can honestly say I started to fall in love with myself. My journey did not stop there. Secretly I have always wanted to be a plus size model. The second time I had boudoir photos taken, was close to a year ago with Body Beautiful Boudoir. Brenda was running a “you are enough” campaign. I was the heaviest weight I had ever been in my life. My husband and I had a house fire and lost everything about 2 years prior which through a wrench into our marriage. I was also going though nursing school. I completed the “you are enough” photo shoot for me as a fresh start. I needed that spark again to start to love myself once more, showing me “I am beautiful at any age, and at any weight”.

I am so excited to be a Body Beautiful Boudoir brand ambassador, and for this journey over the next 6 months. Mostly to continue to grow my self-love, but to also inspire other women of all ages to take the plunge and be vulnerable for yourself in front of a camera. Photographs give you a completely different perspective of yourself. The energy/confidence you receive from a shoot is unexplainable and so worth it. Plus, you get to look back when you are 90 and see the beautiful woman staring back at you while you say dang, I was pretty. I pray I can use my photographs to promote body positivity and allow you to take the leap of self-love and appreciate the body you’re in, no matter your age or the number of stretch marks on your beautiful belly. God made us in his perfect image, and we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Thank you for taking the time to get to know me,
Krystal Sunnucks

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