Columbus Tarot
Band of Babes intro to Tarot reading Columbus
I feel so fortunate to have found a group of women where I am accepted, supported and even celebrated. I am part of a Facebook community called “Band of Babes” and our mantra is I AM ENOUGH exactly as I am, even though I may be on a journey of self-improvement. We occasionally get together in person for an evening of learning and sharing and / or creating. We recently held a Band of Babes event where our ladies walked away with greater insight, positivity, and trust in themselves!
How did we accomplish this? We introduced the use of Tarot Cards as a tool for listening to yourself and understanding your world, your environment and the answers that may not previously have been apparent because you may have fallen out of the habit of trusting your intuition.
You see, I believe strongly that we already know, or have access to, all the answers we will ever need. My basis for this belief is two-fold: 1) our subconscious holds vast amounts of information about everything we’ve ever encountered, experienced, and learned, and 2) the belief in the existence of Akashic records, which are held in a different dimension and house information and outcomes about every possibility past, present and future.
It’s your right to accept or reject what I just said…it’s just my belief structure, after all. However, the older I get, the more I learn that there is a lot we just don’t know. I believe the possibilities in this world are truly infinite and I choose to remain open to ideas that may feel awkward and uncomfortable. So, if you have the same or a similar mindset, please stay with me!
Studies have estimated that about 95% of what is in our subconscious mind has been there since age 7 or before. Every time I say that I’m humbled and staggered by the statement. When you think about it, it makes sense…from the time we’re born to about age 7, we don’t have any of the abilities that allow us to reason and apply discrimination to our world. We are just big sponges absorbing everything that we see, hear, and feel. These experiences form the basis for how we live life for the rest of our lives! And…we don’t fully develop the ability to analyze and rationalize the situations we encounter until about age 14 or 15; there’s a reason youth is called “impressionable!”
We often dismiss the earlier years of our lives as not terribly valid, because we were learning and growing. The reality is that those experiences hold keys to the perceptions and biases that govern our lives today. I see it with my clients all the time: the little girl who was told she was fat and worthless becoming a woman who doesn’t feel worthy of love…the little boy whose father was absent and angry growing into a man who is constantly striving for perfection because he believes if he were just good enough, he’d be able to fill the holes of missing relationships…the list goes on and on.
Tapping into our subconscious to obtain answers that we may have buried can be extremely helpful and provide insights that allow us to trust, accept and understand ourselves.
My second point, about Akashic records, takes it a step further. This idea that there is universal knowledge housed somewhere in the universe, or perhaps multiverse, if you believe that is possible. This mind-blowing concept that if we are open to it, we can tap into another dimension and understand everything that ever has, is or could happen, is pretty incredible. You don’t have to believe this, it’s not necessary for you to trust yourself or find answers to things that are challenging or troubling you…I’m just suggesting that if the idea appeals to you, you might find richer, more comprehensive insight in the acceptance of the existence of Akashic records.
My approach to Tarot reading is based on a combination of these two concepts. I believe that when we focus our attention, we enter a light hypnotic state that allows us to access information stored either in our subconscious or Akashic records to uncover answers and details that can help us. I have a lot of clients who tell me that they have trouble meditating because their minds wander. Tarot is a tool that uses colorful scenes and images to draw our attention. While there are “standard” meanings associated with each card, I prefer intuitive reading of the cards to provide answers. I believe that the meaning of a card is fluid, rather than static: what we see, feel and divine from a single card or a spread is dependent on our current situation and what we need to know at any given time.
Back to our Band of Babes event…this was the first time I’ve ever shared my approach in a group…and I thought it was a fantastic success. I love working one-on-one with clients and helping them uncover answers that will help them reach their goals. Doing this exercise in a group setting was amazing. Not only were our “babes” having individual A-HA moments, but I believe the discussion, as each one shared the cards in her spread, provided richer and more meaningful insight for each person in attendance. I look forward to offering similar events in the future either in partnership with Brenda or through my business.
If you’re interested in learning more, please check out my website at www.nextlevelhypnosis.com. Currently, Tarot is not specifically called out as a service I offer but is available upon request.
Colleen Copp
Columbus Tarot
Body Beautiful Boudoir
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