I’m Back. . . . .!!!!
These are the words I saw on my booking notification when a client booked her third session with me.
I’m Back . . . !!!
I am always excited to have clients use my online booking calendar to schedule their Body Beautiful Boudoir sessions – to me it’s almost like a gift, when there’s a “ding” and I can click and look to see who I will be photographing at some point in the future.
So when I saw her comment, I spent a few moments reflecting about our previous sessions. Her very first time in front of my camera was certainly a success – we all loved the images we captured; she selected images and had a custom album designed for her. We loved one image in particular and still proudly display it on a crystal plaque for others to see.

The second time we photographed Miss R was a group photo session where we asked our clients to don a bra and panty set and walk about downtown Columbus. We photographed, we laughed, we celebrated their unique, individual qualities. We highlighted their beauty, their perfect imperfections to prove that “I AM ENOUGH” exactly as I am today.

,This third time, though, was different. Miss R has changed. I’m not taking credit or responsibility for the change, but I am saying OUT LOUD that she is a more confident, more secure woman. Miss R is the definition of knowing she is enough, she is empowered, she has embraced her own unique beauty.
Her third session with us, she was prepared. To the hilt! She brought a variety of items to wear – colorful, stylish, and different. She gleefully undressed and posed and immediately we were in a rhythm, photographer and model. We captured such diverse images, she when from innocent to wild, with a walk on the wild side.
I hope that Miss R recognizes how far she has come; her journey is certainly not over, but, goodness, she is well on her way! Thank you, Miss R, for coming back!!

Did I mention “From Innocent to Wild?!”