I got married at the naive age of 18
that little voice inside my head
Hello beautiful! My name is Alicia, I was born in the once-industrial rich town of Mansfield, Ohio, February 14th, 1984. My mother and father had married and divorced, twice, at a young age both with their own crosses to bear. Myself not necessarily being one of them. I was raised most of my life being bounced back and forth between my Mother and Grandparents and later became a ward of the state. My senior year in High School, and at the very naive age of just 18, I married my first husband. I also became a mother. Not only did we end up adopting two adorable children (from my new sister- in-law) but the following January I then gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and then a second, only a short 13 months after.

My life never seemed to go as planned but looking back I believe it went exactly how it should. From as early as I can remember I have never had that feeling like I belonged…anywhere, really. From childhood to womanhood that little voice inside my head has reinforced that I am not enough. Not loved enough. Not smart enough. Not pretty enough. Not a good enough mom. Just not enough. Well, I don’t know about you but I know that I am sick of listening to that little voice.

For the last few years, after my mother passed, I have been on a new mission. One where the only person who has the power to determine my worth is me. No man, no family, no one but me. One of the steps on this path I have decided for myself has always been a boudoir photo shoot, so when I saw the ambassador opportunity with Brenda and Michael I jumped and I promise if you are ready to take a stand and see that you too are the only one who determines your worth then I highly recommend stepping out of your comfort zone and in front of Brenda’s lens because I can promise you, that no matter how hard it is to get there the outcome will be worth it! It’s time to truly see that we are all enough!

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